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EST. 2011


Soul&Story is the compilation of unique photos and stories of women around the world. We believe that natural beauty is worth a photoshoot and that every story is worth being told. Soul&Story exists to be a platform that inspires, encourages, and relates to young women instead of being part of the digital world that distorts the idea of beauty. 











Our Story

It started with a question. "How can I remind my friends that they're beautiful even when they aren't wearing makeup?" At 15 years old, Megan didn't know the answer definitively but she knew that she loved photography and that she wanted her friends to know that they were naturally beautiful.


As she started taking photos and asking questions about how their idea of beauty has been affected by the world, it became clear that everyone had a story to share. She continued to shoot in high school, college, and even now as a working professional.


Along the way, photographers have volunteered to capture the stories of women around them and add to the greater story being told: that natural beauty is worth a photoshoot and that every story is worth being told.

Tech + Storytelling

Technology is always changing so we change too. The format of Soul&Story has changed over the years to adapt to the way we get our information. There's 69 stories but only about 20 are on this site. Some of our Soul&Storys are forever in an older format which you can still visit if you click on the graphics below.


EST. 2011

Click on a tile to see her story

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